Pre k and kindergarten ages
Pre k and kindergarten ages

pre k and kindergarten ages pre k and kindergarten ages

Does your child listen? We all know three-and four-year-olds are not the best listeners, but in order to send your child off to preschool s/he should be able to listen to basic instructions and try to follow them.Putting your child in a preschool setting when s/he can’t be understood will frustrate your child and others. You need to make sure your preschool-age child can communicate well enough that s/he can be understood by teachers and other kids. Can your child communicate? While you may speak your child’s own quirky language, others do not.Many programs do provide a short rest time, but if your child still needs a two-hour nap mid-morning to function, you may want to hold off on preschool. Does your child still take long naps? Preschool requires some stamina on the part of your child.Although they will learn more social interaction as time goes on, preschool-age kids should be able to make friends, share and cooperate at a basic level. Can your child play with others? It’s a given that young children don’t always play well in the sandbox, but in a preschool environment, they will need to be able to interact with other kids.Kids who go from a daycare environment to a preschool program usually have no separation issues. Can your child separate from you? All kids may miss their moms and dads, but they should be able to separate from you for a few hours without a total meltdown.While kids may have an accident from time to time, they should be potty trained prior to starting preschool. A student younger than five years of age is entitled to the benefits of the Foundation School Program (i.e. Is your child potty trained? Many schools have a “no diaper” or “no Pull-up” policy for preschool. From there, they progress through the grades from 1 to 12: 3-5 years old: preschool. Both three-year-olds and four-year-olds may be served in the same pre-k class.

Pre k and kindergarten ages